​Laundry Pickup & Delivery Service in Salt Lake City

Kleanway is the top laundry service in Salt Lake City.

Enjoy more free time by joining our premier laundry service with free pickup and delivery.

Our laundry service ensures your clothes always look and smell fresh with next day delivery!

We specialize in wash and fold pickup and delivery for residential and commercial customers throughout the Salt Lake Valley.� 

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Kleanway Laundry: Where Delivery Is Always Free


Google Sign In Cirlce

Step 1

Sign In or Sign Up with your Google account.

Circle Cropped 2

Step 2

Leave your dirty laundry in a bag on the porch at your pickup time.

Circle Cropped 4

Step 3

We will pick up, launder, fluff, and fold your laundry with 24 hour delivery� (2-day delivery for dry cleaning).


Pickup & Delivery

FREE pickup for residential and commercial laundry customers. Let us pick up, then wash and fold your laundry.


Dry Cleaning

Professional shirt laundering and dry cleaning. We'll pick it up for you!


Commercial Laundry

If your business generates dirty laundry, Kleanway Laundry will do it for you! Now you can concentrate on running your business.


Pickup &
Delivery Service
(By Request)
Per Pound

**$30 Minimum Order

Pickup &
Delivery Service
Per Pound

**$30 Minimum Order

Specials & Promotions

Pickup And Delivery Laundry Van Min 1 Min

$20 Off on your first Pickup

Use Promo Code: First. You will receive $20 off of your first order.